Bias Revealed? Guess Where the Trump Jurors Get Their News From

Bias Revealed? Guess Where the Trump Jurors Get Their News From

Five Trump jurors report­ed­ly get their news from a tech giant noto­ri­ous for its left­ist bias.
Fox News released infor­ma­tion April 17 on the sev­en jurors cho­sen for for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump’s sup­posed “hush mon­ey” crim­i­nal tri­al in New York. Answers pro­vid­ed by the jurors reveal five of them receive their news from Google News, which media rat­ings firm All­Sides describes as “lean left.” Two of the jurors also find news on Tik­Tok, the com­mu­nist Chi­nese gov­ern­ment-tied app cur­rent­ly under scruti­ny as a nation­al secu­ri­ty risk.
While Fox not­ed that the jurors were asked ques­tions about their opin­ion of Trump, they do not seem to have been screened for oth­er types of bias. All­Sides, based on inde­pen­dent review and com­mu­ni­ty feed­back, rates Google News “lean left” and explains that 63 per­cent of the tech giant’s news feed sources are left­ist.
All­Sides has appar­ent­ly not rat­ed TikTok’s news bias, but the app, which is owned by Chi­nese ByteDance, is cer­tainl …