Google employ­ees arrest­ed after stag­ing protests over Israel in Cal­i­for­nia and New York offices

Google employees arrested after staging protests over Israel in California and New York offices

Nine Google employ­ees, along with dozens of demon­stra­tors, were arrest­ed on Tues­day at the company’s offices in Cal­i­for­nia and New York for hold­ing a protest against Google’s cor­po­rate rela­tion­ship with Israel.
The demon­stra­tors orga­nized a sit-in protest for more than eight hours in the Sun­ny­vale, Cal­i­for­nia, office of Thomas Kuri­an, the exec­u­tive and CEO of Google Cloud.

BREAKING: Google employ­ees were arrest­ed after occu­py­ing their boss’s office for more than 8 hours to demand that the com­pa­ny sev­er ties with Israel.WATCH:
— Kassy Aki­va (@KassyDillon) April 17, 2024

The employ­ees had shared in work emails that Google need­ed to stop its $1.2 bil­lion con­tract with the Israeli government’s cloud-com­put­ing Project Nim­bus. The pro­test­ers were upset that the tech­nol­o­gy rela­tion­ship helps pro­vide facial recog­ni­tion, data analy­sis, and object track­ing, in addi­tion …