Stim­u­lus update: Direct pay­ment of $1,312 to be sent to some Alaskans in one day

Stimulus update: Direct payment of ,312 to be sent to some Alaskans in one day

In one day, eli­gi­ble res­i­dents who have not got­ten their pay­ments from the Alas­ka Depart­ment of Rev­enue as part of the Per­ma­nent Fund Div­i­dend pro­gram will get their checks.
Those who have yet to receive their PFD checks from 2023 or ear­li­er and had the “Eli­gi­ble-Not Paid” sta­tus last Wednes­day will get their pay­ment from the state pro­gram on Thurs­day. Those who have already received their checks for 2023 or ear­li­er will not get an addi­tion­al pay­ment from the state.
The PFD pro­gram pro­vides eli­gi­ble res­i­dents pay­ments each year based on Alaska’s annu­al min­er­al rev­enues for that year. The pay­ment from the pro­gram in 2023 was worth $1,312 and went out to eli­gi­ble res­i­dents begin­ning in Octo­ber.
“The 2023 PFD marks the 42nd year Alaskans have received their share of the state’s natu …