Biden oppos­es Fourth Amend­ment Is Not For Sale Act ahead of House vote

Biden opposes Fourth Amendment Is Not For Sale Act ahead of House vote

The Biden admin­is­tra­tion has announced its oppo­si­tion to the “Fourth Amend­ment Is Not For Sale Act” ahead of Wednesday’s vote on the bill.
The House is sched­uled to have a stand-alone vote on Wednes­day evening on the act, which began as an amend­ment to a pre­vi­ous bill reau­tho­riz­ing the For­eign Intel­li­gence Sur­veil­lance Act. Spon­sor Rep. War­ren David­son (R‑OH) and oth­er pri­va­cy hawks are push­ing the mea­sure.
“[The Act] gen­er­al­ly would pro­hib­it the intel­li­gence com­mu­ni­ty and law enforce­ment from obtain­ing cer­tain com­mer­cial­ly avail­able infor­ma­tion — sub­ject only to nar­row, unwork­able excep­tions,” a state­ment of admin­is­tra­tion pol­i­cy oppos­ing Davidson’s bill reads. “It does not affect the abil­i­ty of for­eign adver­saries or the pri­vate sec­tor to obtain and use the same infor­ma­tion, thus negat­ing any pri­va­cy ben­e­fit to U.S. per­sons while threat­en­ing America’s nation­al secu­ri­ty.”
The House passed FISA reau­tho­riza­tion after months of GOP infight­ing, and the Sen­ate c …