Vir­ginia moth­er begs coun­ty to stop rais­ing tax­es: ‘Can­not afford to expand our fam­i­ly here’

Virginia mother begs county to stop raising taxes: ‘Cannot afford to expand our family here’

A moth­er liv­ing in Fair­fax Coun­ty, Vir­ginia, gave a pas­sion­ate plea on Tues­day, call­ing on the Fair­fax Coun­ty Board of Super­vi­sors not to go ahead with its bud­get pro­pos­al to raise tax­es and fees on res­i­dents.
“Unlike the board who has received a 20% salary increase effec­tive 2024, it is typ­i­cal of cit­i­zens in Fair­fax Coun­ty to receive just a 3% pay increase year-over-year … if that,” she said at the hearing’s speak­er podi­um while wear­ing a baby wrap car­ri­er that held a small infant.

This week, some Fair­fax Coun­ty, Vir­ginia res­i­dents are ask­ing the Fair­fax Coun­ty Board of Super­vi­sors to not raise tax­es again this year, includ­ing this mother:“I am not alone in say­ing that as my fam­i­ly con­sid­ers hav­ing anoth­er kid, we are cer­tain that we can­not afford to…
— Nick Minock (@NickMinock) April 16, 2024

“As we are all aware, the cost of liv­ing has soared since the begin­ning of COVID-19. With all of this being said, as tax­pay­ers, we are con­stant­ly search­ing …