Wash­ing­ton Examiner’s Sale­na Zito argues Biden is not ‘in touch’ with mat­ters clos­est to vot­ers

Washington Examiner’s Salena Zito argues Biden is not ‘in touch’ with matters closest to voters

The Wash­ing­ton Examiner’s Sale­na Zito said Pres­i­dent Joe Biden has not done a good job con­nect­ing with vot­ers, specif­i­cal­ly on the cost of liv­ing.
Zito, a colum­nist for the Wash­ing­ton Exam­in­er, acknowl­edged the Unit­ed States is see­ing a grow­ing num­ber of jobs cre­at­ed under the Biden admin­is­tra­tion, an accom­plish­ment Biden has tout­ed while on the cam­paign trail. How­ev­er, Zito con­tend­ed that vot­ers are feel­ing “a lot of pain” from the ris­ing cost of var­i­ous items, includ­ing gas, gro­ceries, and insur­ance.
“All of those things that are basic to a person’s dai­ly life is … becom­ing unat­tain­able. Peo­ple are doing what I call ‘the switch-out’ — when they go food shop­ping, they put some­thing in the cart they always buy, and then, maybe three aisles lat­er, decide, ‘I can’t afford that, and this something’s got to go,’” Zito said on Fox News’s America’s News­room.
Biden’s vis­its to var­i­ous Penn­syl­va­nia cities this week were also dis­cussed, and she argued the pres­i­dent is vis­it­ing “safe places” where he is guar­an­teed to win. She added tha …