House GOP releas­es Ukraine and Israel aid plan with sep­a­rate bill on bor­der cri­sis

The House released the text of its pro­pos­als to pro­vide for­eign aid to coun­tries such as Ukraine and Israel, tee­ing the leg­is­la­tion up for a vote in the low­er cham­ber on Sat­ur­day evening. 
Repub­li­can lead­ers pub­lished the bills Wednes­day propos­ing to split for­eign aid into four sep­a­rate bills focus­ing on Israel, Ukraine, and Tai­wan. A fourth bill is expect­ed lat­er in the day focus­ing on oth­er defense mea­sures to “strength­en our nation­al secu­ri­ty.” The leg­is­la­tion comes after months of dis­agree­ment between both par­ties on how to pro­vide for­eign aid, leav­ing Con­gress at a stand­still. 
John­son informed Repub­li­can law­mak­ers the bills would be brought to the floor under an open amend­ment process, allow­ing mem­bers to pro­pose addi­tion­al mea­sures before a final vote.
The four bills will be paired togeth­er under a sin­gle rules pack­age before being brought to the floor lat­er this week for indi­vid­ual votes. After that, the sur­viv­ing votes will be pack­aged togeth­er into a sin­gle piece of leg­is­la­tion and be sent to the Sen­ate. 
The pack­age includes a $26.38 bil­lion pack­age for Israel; a $60.84 tril­lion pack­ag …