Biden’s stu­dent loan plans haven’t bought him enough good­will with young vot­ers

Biden’s student loan plans haven’t bought him enough goodwill with young voters

Pres­i­dent Joe Biden has worked to woo young vot­ers with his stu­dent loan for­give­ness plan, but he is still lag­ging with the demo­graph­ic in polls against for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump.
In two polls released on Thurs­day, Biden has small­er leads over Trump with young vot­ers than four years ago — in a group he needs to win con­vinc­ing­ly to win anoth­er term. The spring 2024 Har­vard Youth poll showed Biden lead­ing Trump 45% to 37% with adults aged 18 to 29, sig­nif­i­cant­ly behind Biden’s 51%-to-28% lead in 2020 with that base of vot­ers, accord­ing to the same poll­ster at this time in 2020.
In an Emer­son Col­lege poll, Biden leads Trump among reg­is­tered vot­ers aged 18 to 29 by 57.9% to 42.1%, which is behind his 60.5%-to-29% lead in the age group with the same poll­ster in April 2020.
In 2020, Biden got 60% of the vote from those aged 18 to 29, com­pared to Trump’s 36%, accord­ing to a CNN exit poll. John Dell …