Dozens Of NPR Employ­ees Write Let­ter Prov­ing Uri Berlin­er Was Right About Every­thing

Posted in Trump
Dozens Of NPR Employees Write Letter Proving Uri Berliner Was Right About Everything

Dozens of Nation­al Pub­lic Radio (NPR) employ­ees signed on to a let­ter sug­gest­ing that their now-for­mer senior busi­ness edi­tor Uri Berlin­er was spot on in his assess­ment of the lib­er­al bias that has tak­en over the net­work.
New York Times media reporter Ben Mullin shared screen­shots of the let­ter, addressed to CEO Kather­ine Maher and Edi­tor in Chief Edith Chapin, which claimed that Berliner’s essay in The Free Press had left many of them feel­ing as though they’d been per­son­al­ly attacked.
“About 50 NPR employ­ees sign a let­ter to CEO Kather­ine Maher and top edi­tor Edith Chapin call­ing for, among oth­er things, a pub­lic rebuke of the ‘fac­tu­al inac­cu­ra­cies and eli­sions’ in Uri Berliner’s Free Press essay,” Mullin’s cap­tion read.

new: About 50 NPR employ­ees sign a let­ter to CEO Kather­ine Maher and top edi­tor Edith Chapin call­ing for, among oth­er things, a pub­lic rebuke of …