Lara Trump says hush mon­ey tri­al is pay­ing off with mil­lions in dona­tions

Lara Trump says hush money trial is paying off with millions in donations

Repub­li­can Nation­al Com­mit­tee co-Chair­woman Lara Trump sug­gest­ed the crim­i­nal tri­al against for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump “is not work­ing” as his fundrais­ing con­tin­ues to rise.
Lara Trump appeared Wednes­day on Fox News’s Han­ni­ty to dis­cuss the lat­est fundrais­ing num­bers on her father-in-law’s cam­paign. Her report comes after the cam­paign already raised $1.5 mil­lion after the trial’s first day on Mon­day, when attor­neys select­ed some of the jurors that will decide whether or not to con­vict Trump on 34 felony counts of fal­si­fy­ing busi­ness records.
“We can all see exact­ly what this is about and what the goal of this is,” Lara Trump said. “Of course, it’s to keep Don­ald Trump from the cam­paign trail. They want him sit­ting in a court­room in New York City. The …