‘They’re the Com­mies!’ ABC News Claims GOP ‘In the Bed’ With Rus­sia

<div>'They're the Commies!' ABC News Claims GOP 'In the Bed' With Russia</div>

On Thurs­day, ABC News mod­er­a­tors Whoopi Gold­berg and Joy Behar took to The View to spew dis­in­for­ma­tion about Repub­li­cans on nation­al tele­vi­sion dur­ing an elec­tion year. The lies includ­ed accu­sa­tions of being “afraid of his­to­ry,” being com­mu­nist and “in the bed” with Rus­sia, and want­i­ng to make women prop­er­ty again.
Gold­berg lashed out at “these lit­tle snowflaky peo­ple” and, with­out evi­dence, accused them of being “the ones that are afraid of infor­ma­tion. They’re the ones who are afraid of his­to­ry.” …