Ruben Gal­lego ham­mered in bru­tal ‘dead­beat dad’ Ari­zona Sen­ate ad

Ruben Gallego hammered in brutal ‘deadbeat dad’ Arizona Senate ad

The Repub­li­can Sen­ate cam­paign arm released a new ad on Thurs­day slam­ming Demo­c­ra­t­ic Ari­zona sen­a­to­r­i­al can­di­date Rep. Ruben Gal­lego (D‑AZ) for aban­don­ing his fam­i­ly while his wife was preg­nant.
The 30-sec­ond “Dead­beat” ad from the Nation­al Repub­li­can Sen­a­to­r­i­al Com­mit­tee is the lat­est sign of a bruis­ing race to fill the vacat­ing Sen. Kyrsten Sinema’s (I‑AZ) seat.
“One of life’s great­est joys, becom­ing a par­ent. But days before that life-chang­ing moment, Ruben Gal­lego walked out on his fam­i­ly, aban­don­ing his new­born son, leav­ing his wife, and then mar­ry­ing a D.C. lob­by­ist,” the female nar­ra­tor says in the ad.
“If dead­beat dad Ruben Gal­lego would aban­don his own fam­i­ly, he won’t be there for Ari­zo­nans when it mat­ters most,” the nar­ra­tor …