Author Car­rie Sheffield Recounts Har­row­ing Child­hood In New Book ‘Motorhome Prophe­cies’

Author Carrie Sheffield Recounts Harrowing Childhood In New Book ‘Motorhome Prophecies’

The Dai­ly Wire caught up with pol­i­cy ana­lyst and author Car­rie Sheffield to talk with her about her new book “Motorhome Prophe­cies: A Jour­ney of Heal­ing and For­give­ness,” (CenterStreet/Hachette Book Group).
DW: Let’s start with pol­i­tics. You’ve served as a pol­i­cy ana­lyst and colum­nist for sev­er­al years now, both in New York and in Wash­ing­ton. Which issues are para­mount in your mind as we head into the 2024 pres­i­den­tial elec­tion sea­son?
Sheffield: Cer­tain­ly the econ­o­my and immi­gra­tion are top of mind for many vot­ers, includ­ing me. The fact that infla­tion has rav­aged house­hold wages is an ongo­ing and per­va­sive prob­lem. The fact that aver­age month­ly mort­gage pay­ments under Biden have sky­rock­et­ed means real pain and the dream of home own­er­ship moves out of reach for more Amer­i­can fam­i­lies. See­ing our bor­der towns and cities like New York and Chica­go over­run with san­i­ta­tion issues and safe­ty prob­lems due to Biden’s failed immi­gra­tion poli­cies is dis­cour­ag­ing and must be stopped.
DW: Speak­ing of pres­i­dents, in “Motorhome Prophe­cies” you write that your father was con­vinced he was a Mor­mon prophet des­tined to …