Blinken: US com­mit­ted to ‘de-esca­lat­ing’ Israel-Iran ten­sions fol­low­ing Israeli retal­i­a­tion

Blinken: US committed to ‘de-escalating’ Israel-Iran tensions following Israeli retaliation

Sec­re­tary of State Antony Blinken said the Unit­ed States is focused on de-esca­lat­ing the height­ened ten­sion between Israel and Iran fol­low­ing the former’s retal­ia­to­ry attack on the lat­ter.
Israel report­ed­ly launched a strike that hit a mil­i­tary site in cen­tral Iran overnight ear­ly Fri­day morn­ing. The strike rep­re­sents a lim­it­ed response to Iran’s unprece­dent­ed attack on Israel last week, and it demon­strates Israel’s abil­i­ty to hit tar­gets with­in Iran’s bor­ders, which is a devel­op­ment giv­en Israel’s pre­vi­ous hes­i­ta­tion to aim at tar­gets in Iran.
Israeli offi­cials have not pub­licly com­ment­ed on the strike, while Iran­ian offi­cials have sought to down­play its sig­nif­i­cance. Iran­ian state media report­ed that Iran­ian air defense sys­tems inter­cept­ed “three small drones” in Isfa­ha …