Swing state Demo­c­rat Jacky Rosen takes max dona­tions from Soros fam­i­ly 

Swing state Democrat Jacky Rosen takes max donations from Soros family 

Sen. Jacky Rosen (D‑NV), who is run­ning for reelec­tion in the swing state of Neva­da in 2024, accept­ed max­i­mum dona­tions of $6,600 each in the first quar­ter of this year from left-wing bil­lion­aire George Soros and his son, Alex Soros, records show.
The Soros­es, who ahead of the 2024 elec­tion are pour­ing large sums into Demo­c­ra­t­ic cam­paign cof­fers and left-pro­gres­sive non­prof­it orga­ni­za­tions, cut the sep­a­rate checks to Rosen’s cam­paign in Jan­u­ary, accord­ing to new Fed­er­al Elec­tion Com­mis­sion fil­ings. The large dona­tions add on to the more than $43,000 that the sen­a­tor has received since 2016 from the Soros fam­i­ly.
News of the cash trans­fers comes as Rosen, who has sought to posi­tion her­self as a cen­trist, looks to hold onto her com­pet­i­tive seat in Neva­da this …