Top Finnish Court To Hear Case On Politi­cian Charged Over Shar­ing Bible Verse

Top Finnish Court To Hear Case On Politician Charged Over Sharing Bible Verse

Finland’s Supreme Court will hear the case of a politi­cian fac­ing “hate crime” charges over her Chris­t­ian beliefs on mar­riage and sex­u­al­i­ty. 
On Fri­day, the Supreme Court of Fin­land announced that it would hear the case of Finnish Mem­ber of Par­lia­ment Päivi Räsä­nen, who is fac­ing state charges relat­ed to her shar­ing a 2019 tweet that includ­ed pic­tures of Bible vers­es and a pam­phlet on mar­riage she wrote back in 2004. The charges were pre­vi­ous­ly dis­missed by the dis­trict court and the Helsin­ki Court of Appeal.
The case will now be heard by the Supreme Court, Finland’s top court for pri­vate law cas­es. The state pros­e­cu­tors want the court to fine Räsä­nen tens of thou­sands of Euros and want her to be cen­sored. Bish­op Juhana Pohjo­la will be tried at the same ti …