Trump Leads Biden In Cru­cial Mid­west­ern Swing State: Poll

Trump Leads Biden In Crucial Midwestern Swing State: Poll

For­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump pushed past Pres­i­dent Joe Biden in Wis­con­sin, accord­ing to a new poll out of the cru­cial swing state.
The poll from Mar­quette Law School found that Trump leads the Demo­c­rat incum­bent among reg­is­tered vot­ers in the state by two points, with the can­di­dates receiv­ing sup­port from 51% and 49% of the respon­dents, respec­tive­ly. The find­ings show that Trump has gained on Biden since Jan­u­ary, when the two were tied 49% to 49%.
Wis­con­sin is one of sev­en cru­cial swing states in the 2024 pres­i­den­tial elec­tion and is worth 10 elec­toral votes. The oth­er six swing states are Ari­zona, Geor­gia, Neva­da, North Car­oli­na, Michi­gan, and Penn­sylv …