Trump tri­al: Week­long jury selec­tion ends with 12 jurors and 6 alter­nates

Trump trial: Weeklong jury selection ends with 12 jurors and 6 alternates

A New York judge chose five jurors on Fri­day to serve as alter­nates in the hush mon­ey case against Don­ald Trump, mark­ing the con­clu­sion of the jury selec­tion phase of the for­mer president’s tri­al.
The process, which began Mon­day in Man­hat­tan, wrapped up more quick­ly than some legal experts had antic­i­pat­ed but still fea­tured its share of chal­lenges through­out the week. Judge Juan Mer­chan and attor­neys repeat­ed­ly encoun­tered prospec­tive jurors with pre­con­ceived opin­ions about Trump, and con­tro­ver­sy arose at one point over jour­nal­ists report­ing infor­ma­tion about jurors that made them poten­tial­ly iden­ti­fi­able.
A pool of reporters in the court­room cir­cu­lat­ed details about the selec­tion process as it played out.
Of the alter­nate jurors select­ed on Fri­day, one is a native New York­er …