‘Par­ti­san Pro­pa­gan­da Machine’: Repub­li­cans Push To Defund NPR Over Polit­i­cal Bias

‘Partisan Propaganda Machine’: Republicans Push To Defund NPR Over Political Bias

Repub­li­cans in the House and Sen­ate are push­ing to defund NPR after a now-for­mer edi­tor wrote an essay expos­ing the lib­er­al bias of the out­let and reports broke on left­ist com­ments made by CEO Kather­ine Maher. 
Fol­low­ing Sen. Mar­sha Blackburn’s (R‑TN) intro­duc­tion of a bill last week to pull gov­ern­ment fund­ing from NPR, Repub­li­can Reps. Jim Banks (IN), Clau­dia Ten­ney (NY), and Bob Good (VA) all intro­duced their own leg­is­la­tion to end fund­ing for the out­let. Banks intro­duced his mea­sure on Frid …