CBS Week­end News OMITS Lat­est Vio­lent Cam­pus Anti­semitism

Week­end report­ing of the lat­est round of anti-semit­ic protests, at Colum­bia Uni­ver­si­ty and else­where, yield­ed a mixed bag. ABC tried to bring bal­ance to their report­ing, NBC tilt­ed heav­i­ly in favor of the pro­test­ers, and anoth­er, CBS, decid­ed it was best not to report on the protests at all.
Here’s how ABC World News Tonight opened Sunday’s news­cast:

LINSEY DAVIS: As we come on the air, New York author­i­ties are issu­ing a warn­ing ahead of Passover. Offi­cials say the hol­i­day, which begins tomor­row, may serve as a cat …