Crescen­do may not be the final note; $1B in addi­tion­al rev­enue pro­ject­ed

Crescendo may not be the final note; B in additional revenue projected

(The Cen­ter Square) – Lucky 13.
To be fair, North Carolina’s eco­nom­ic pulse has hard­ly just arrived. The low point was just pri­or to 2011, and the crescen­do from the Leg­isla­tive Build­ing on Jones Street this week was a report from the Finan­cial Research Divi­sion esti­mat­ing $1 bil­lion in addi­tion­al rev­enue.
That’s a long way from teacher fur­loughs, mul­ti­ple lay­ers in a tax brack­et reach­ing 7.75% to rank high­er than any South­east neigh­bor, and gross state prod­uct below the nation­al aver­age. It began with Repub­li­cans, for the first …