For­mer Jan­u­ary 6 Pan­el Chair Unveils Bill That Could Strip Trump Of Secret Ser­vice Pro­tec­tion

Former January 6 Panel Chair Unveils Bill That Could Strip Trump Of Secret Service Protection

Rep. Ben­nie Thomp­son (D‑MS), the Demo­c­rat who led the now-defunct Jan­u­ary 6 Com­mit­tee, announced leg­is­la­tion last week that could dis­qual­i­fy for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump from keep­ing Secret Ser­vice pro­tec­tion.
The bill, which comes as Trump faces mul­ti­ple crim­i­nal cas­es as he runs for anoth­er term in the White House, does not men­tion the for­mer pres­i­dent by name. How­ev­er, Thomp­son, who is the top-rank­ing mem­ber of the Home­land Secu­ri­ty Com­mit­tee, released a “fact sheet” that says Trump would be affect­ed if the pro­pos­al pass­es and he is con­vict­ed of a felony.
“Unfor­tu­nate­ly, cur­rent law doesn’t antic­i­pate how Secret Ser­vice pro­tec­tion would impact the felony prison sen­tence of a pro­tectee — even a for­mer Pres­i­dent. It is regret­table that it has come to this, but this pre­vi­ous­ly unthought-of sce­nario could become our real­i­ty,” Thomp­son said.
“There­fore, it is nec­es­sary for us to be pre­pared and update the law so the Amer­i­can peo­ple can be assured that pro­tec­tive sta­tus does not trans­late into spe­cial treat …