Zelen­sky asserts that House pass­ing for­eign aid pack­age shows Ukraine won’t be the ‘sec­ond Afghanistan’

Ukrain­ian Pres­i­dent Volodymyr Zelen­sky thanked the House of Rep­re­sen­ta­tives for pass­ing a for­eign aid bill sup­port­ing the country’s war effort against Rus­sia and argued it shows the coun­try will not face the same fate as Afghanistan.
The U.S. with­draw­al from Afghanistan after 20 years in 2021 led to the coun­try being over­run by the Tal­iban. Zelen­sky and Ukraine are cur­rent­ly attempt­ing to thwart Russia’s attempt to over­take the Euro­pean coun­try in a war that began in 2022. Zelen­sky joined NBC News’s Meet the Press on Sun­day to express his grat­i­tude for the for­eign aid bill, which is almost cer­tain to pass the Sen­ate.

“First of all I would like to say thanks to Con­gress and I’d like to say thanks to [House] Speak­er [Mike] John­son and Pres­i­dent [Joe] Biden, indeed, it is so impor­tant — the sup …