CBS Frets ‘Appar­ent­ly Anti-Semit­ic Inci­dents’ at Colum­bia Marred ‘Peace­ful Protests’

CBS broke the ice Mon­day (after a foot­note last week then silence) on the ram­pant anti-Semi­tism and ter­ror­ist sym­pa­thiz­ing at Colum­bia Uni­ver­si­ty by pro-Hamas ele­ments of the stu­dent body and like-mind­ed fiends, but they went full-blown ‘fiery but most­ly peace­ful’ as CBS Morn­ings co-host and Demo­c­ra­t­ic donor Gayle King fret­ted the “appar­ent­ly anti-Semit­ic inci­dents” over­shad­owed “peace­ful protests”.
CBS only spent 49 sec­onds in an extend­ed news brief deliv­ered by King, which began inno­cent­ly enough: “Back here in New York, Colum­bia Uni­ver­si­ty has moved all class­es on line today as pro-Pales­tin­ian demon­stra­tions con­tin­ue on and near the cam­pus.”

King then did her best impres­sion of CNN’s Omar Jimenez and MSNBC’s Ali Velshi: “Although there have been peace­ful protests, a series of appar­ent­ly anti-Semit­ic inci­dents near cam­pus prompt­ed one rab­bi at the sch …