Ear­ly ver­dict: No chance of a ‘fair tri­al’ for Trump in New York

Early verdict: No chance of a ‘fair trial’ for Trump in New York

Whether you see it as a “witch hunt” or not, a major­i­ty of like­ly vot­ers do not believe that for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump will get a “fair” hear­ing in the “hush mon­ey” tri­al open­ing in New York on Mon­day.
Just hours before open­ing argu­ments were set to begin in the case fea­tur­ing for­mer porn star and dancer Stormy Daniels, Ras­mussen Reports shared with Secrets its find­ing that 51% do not believe Trump will get a “fair tri­al.” Among those, 31% said that a fair tri­al is “not at all like­ly.”
Just 42% see a fair tri­al as like­ly, accord­ing to Ras­mussen.
Trump spent the past week decry­ing the tri­al and the tri­al judge. Jurors were picked last week.
New York is seen as a hos­tile envi­ron­ment for Trump, even though it is where he made his bil­lions in real estate. In the past, jurors, pros­e­cu­tors, and even judges have crit­i­cized the for­mer pres­i­dent.
Trump h …