Fet­ter­man endors­es Rom­ney to be Harvard’s next pres­i­dent: ‘Recal­i­brate from far-left ortho­doxy’

Fetterman endorses Romney to be Harvard’s next president: ‘Recalibrate from far-left orthodoxy’

Sen. John Fet­ter­man (D‑PA) has decid­ed who he wants to be Harvard‘s next pres­i­dent, endors­ing out­go­ing Sen. Mitt Rom­ney (R‑UT) to take the university’s top posi­tion, cur­rent­ly held by inter­im Pres­i­dent Alan Gar­ber. 

As an alum­nus of Har­vard, and after this mad sea­son of anti­semitism at Colum­bia, I co-sign.This for­mer Gov­er­nor of Mass­a­chu­setts does­n’t need a pay­check, but Har­vard and its aca­d­e­m­ic peers needs to recal­i­brate from far-left ortho­doxy. pic.twitter.com/eaT0F5VaiR
— Sen­a­tor John Fet­ter­man (@SenFettermanPA) April 22, 2024

Gar­ber took the posi­tion when Clau­dine Gay stepped down in Decem­ber amid pla­gia­rism alle­ga­tions and Gay’s con­tro­ver­sial tes­ti­mo­ny in front of the House Com­mit­tee on Edu­ca­tion and the Work­force. 
Fet­ter­man, a Har­vard alum­nus, high­light­ed a Wash­ing­ton Post op-ed in the tweet in which he endorsed Rom­ney. The op-ed was writ­ten by fel­low Har­vard alum­nus Daniel Rosen, who, despite describ­ing him­self as a “life­long Demo­c­rat,” endorsed Rom­ney to take the reins at Har­vard. Rom­ney is also a Har­vard grad­u­ate.
Rom­ney announced last fall that he will not run for reelec­tion at the end of this y …