WATCH: New­som Shares Wild Abor­tion Ad Show­ing Alaba­ma Police Pulling Woman Over, Ask­ing For Preg­nan­cy Test

WATCH: Newsom Shares Wild Abortion Ad Showing Alabama Police Pulling Woman Over, Asking For Pregnancy Test

A cop whip­ping out a preg­nan­cy test dur­ing a traf­fic stop — this is the high­light of a new abor­tion ad Cal­i­for­nia Gov­er­nor Gavin New­som shared this week.
The Demo­c­ra­t­ic gov­er­nor post­ed the eye­brow-rais­ing clip to X on Sun­day.

This ad claims that women are being pulled over and giv­en preg­nan­cy tests by police in Alaba­ma. Just absolute unhinged luna­cy. But it will be per­sua­sive to the same crowd of morons who think Flori­da passed a bill ban­ning res­i­dents from say­ing the word gay.
— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) April 22, …