Out­spo­ken pro-Israel Colum­bia pro­fes­sor denied entry into ‘lib­er­at­ed zone’ encamp­ment

An assis­tant busi­ness pro­fes­sor at Colum­bia Uni­ver­si­ty and Israel native, Shai Davidai, was dumb­found­ed Mon­day morn­ing after he was barred from entry into the campus’s “lib­er­at­ed zone.” 
Davidai and oth­er pro-Israel demon­stra­tors were out­side the cam­pus gate, hop­ing to enter, video footage post­ed to X showed. The encamp­ment was set up at the uni­ver­si­ty in oppo­si­tion to Israel and in sup­port of Pales­tini­ans amid the con­flict in Gaza.
Davidai claimed his iden­ti­fi­ca­tion card had been deac­ti­vat­ed as school offi­cials said they could not ensure his safe­ty. An esti­mat­ed 200 pro-Pales­tin­ian pro­test­ers were on the cam­pus at the time, with the stu­dents like­ly need­ing to have their IDs to get in. 
Stand­ing out­side the gate to …