Texas House Republican’s dis­trict office van­dal­ized by ‘anti-Israel activists’

Texas House Republican’s district office vandalized by ‘anti-Israel activists’

Rep. John Carter’s (R‑TX) dis­trict office in George­town, Texas, was van­dal­ized by “anti-Israel activists” on Mon­day morn­ing, but the con­gress­man said they were ulti­mate­ly “unsuc­cess­ful” in intim­i­dat­ing him.
A spokesper­son for Carter’s office said that around 8:30 a.m., staff arrived at the dis­trict office to find “a dis­turb­ing act of van­dal­ism” after activists splat­tered red paint over the door. The words “Free Gaza” were writ­ten on the con­crete lead­ing up to the entrance, as well.
“Iron­i­cal­ly enough, our staff was sched­uled for a safe­ty brief­ing with [U.S. Capi­tol Police], so they arrived short­ly after staff,” the spokesper­son said. “Local police were called, and a report was filed. There is an active inves­ti­gat …