Net­works Decry House Pass­ing Bill to Pro­tect Amer­i­ca from Chi­na, Tik­Tok

Networks Decry House Passing Bill to Protect America from China, TikTok

The lib­er­al broad­cast net­works of ABC, CBS, and NBC final­ly found some­thing they dis­ap­proved of amid all the for­eign aid pack­ages passed by the House over the week­end: a bill that aimed to pro­tect Amer­i­cans from the influ­ence of Chi­nese pro­pa­gan­da. Dur­ing their Mon­day morn­ing news­casts, each of the big three threw their own hissy fits about the bill that could “ban” Tik­Tok in the U.S. if their Chi­na-owned par­ent com­pa­ny didn’t sell it off …