RFK Jr. has a new plan for gov­ern­ment trans­paren­cy: ‘Bud­get on blockchain’

RFK Jr. has a new plan for government transparency: ‘Budget on blockchain’

Inde­pen­dent pres­i­den­tial can­di­date Robert F. Kennedy Jr. wants the pub­lic to know how much some­thing as triv­ial as a toi­let seat will cost the gov­ern­ment. 
Speak­ing at a ral­ly in Michi­gan on Sun­day, Kennedy stat­ed he want­ed the Unit­ed States bud­get on blockchain to make gov­ern­ment spend­ing trans­par­ent. A blockchain is a ledger of trans­ac­tions used with cryp­tocur­ren­cies such as bit­coin or ethereum.

RFK Jr. at Michi­gan ral­ly: “I’m gonna put the entire US bud­get on blockchain”“Every Amer­i­can can look at every bud­get item in the entire bud­get, any­time they want, 24 hours a day.”“We’re gonna have 300 mil­lion eye­balls on our bud­get, and if some­body is spend­ing $16,000 for a… pic.twitter.com/aqJ1JNUpxc
— Hold­en Culot­ta (@Holden_Culotta) April 22, 2024

Kennedy’s ref­er­ence to long-stand­ing scan­dals that the gov­ern­ment over­paid for toi­let seats serve …