WNBA play­er Angel Reese calls for pro­tec­tion of women in sports

WNBA player Angel Reese calls for protection of women in sports

New­ly select­ed WNBA play­er Angel Reese has called for “young women” to be pro­tect­ed in sports, like­ly refer­ring to the debate on trans­gen­der ath­letes in women’s sports.
Reese, a for­mer Louisiana State Uni­ver­si­ty Tigers play­er, post­ed the state­ment on social media Mon­day morn­ing. How­ev­er, she did not elab­o­rate and say from what women in sports should be pro­tect­ed.
“Pro­tect young women in sports!!!” Reese’s post on X read.

pro­tect young women in sports!!!
— Angel Reese (@Reese10Angel) April 22, 2024

The post quick­ly went viral, get­ting over 3.4 mil­lion views by Mon­day after­noon. Among those prais­ing Reese’s post was Out­kick host and women’s sports advo­cate Riley Gaines. For­mer Repub­li­can Rep. Mayra Flo­res, who is run­ning for Con­gress again this year, also tout­ed Reese’s words, say­ing, “This is the way.”

This is the way 🇺🇸
— Mayra Flo­res Valle­jo (@MayraFloresTX34) April 22, 2024

Reese’s post comes a few days after the Biden admin­is­tra­tion final­ized …