Alec Bald­win slaps phone out of ‘free Pales­tine’ agitator’s hand

Alec Baldwin slaps phone out of ‘free Palestine’ agitator’s hand

Alec Bald­win slapped the phone out of the hand of a per­son con­fronting him over the Rust shoot­ing, who demand­ed that the actor say “free Pales­tine.”
Bald­win was in a cof­fee shop when the per­son start­ed record­ing him using her cell­phone, and she asked him to say “free Pales­tine” one time while ask­ing, “Why did you kill that lady?” The agi­ta­tor was refer­ring to the on-set shoot­ing that Bald­win was involved in while film­ing the movie Rust, which result­ed in the death of 42-year-old cin­e­matog­ra­ph­er Haly­na Hutchins.
“No jail time, Alec,” the agi­ta­tor said to Bald­win. “You’re putting inno­cent peo­ple in jail, Alec Bald­win. Free Pales­tine, Alec! Just one time, and I’ll leave you alone. I’ll leave you alone, I swear!”

Bald­win then opened the door to the shop …