For­eign Pol­i­cy Splits the Par­ties

In 2024, for­eign pol­i­cy doesn’t pit Repub­li­cans against Democ­rats so much as it pits Repub­li­cans against Repub­li­cans and Democ­rats against Democ­rats.
For Joe Biden’s par­ty, Israel is the fault line, with Democ­rats split between sup­port­ers of the Jew­ish State and those of Pales­tin­ian sym­pa­thies.
For the par­ty of Don­ald Trump, the inter­nal con­flict is over Ukraine, and the bit­ter­ness of the bat­tle risks cost­ing Mike John­son his speak­er­ship.
These crises in the Mid­dle East and on NATO’s fron­tier are cat­a­lysts for ten­sio …