Lib­er­al Media, Soros-Fund­ed Group Attack Ted Cruz for.…Hosting a Pod­cast

Liberal Media, Soros-Funded Group Attack Ted Cruz for....Hosting a Podcast

For years, the lib­er­al media have con­stant­ly lost their noo­dles over the alleged, sup­posed crime that Sen­a­tor Ted Cruz (R‑TX) is a walk­ing cam­paign vio­la­tion for co-host­ing a hit pod­cast that’s been three years run­ning, Ver­dict With Ted Cruz.
Orig­i­nal­ly launched dur­ing the first Trump impeach­ment with Dai­ly Wire host Michael Knowles, the show con­tin­ues to pub­lish episodes three times a week along­side long­time con­ser­v­a­tive talk show host and com­men­ta­tor Ben Fer­gu­son.
The lib­er­al media helped set the table with a litany of sites coin­ci­den­tal­ly pub­lish­ing near­ly iden­ti­cal sto­ries. Here’s the head­line from one of two sto­ries by the tools at the Dai­ly Beast: “The Ugly Truth Behind Ted Cruz’s Super PAC Pod­cast”.
And Newsweek — which has an unhealthy obses­sion with the junior sen­a­tor from Texas — had not one but two sto­ries wav­ing pomp pomps about said com­plaint. Here was the head­line for one of them: “Ted Cruz Faces Sec­ond Inves­ti­ga­tion in Less Than a Year”.
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