Planned Par­ent­hood to spend $10 mil­lion on Democ­rats in North Car­oli­na

Planned Parenthood to spend  million on Democrats in North Carolina

A promi­nent abor­tion-rights group is plan­ning its largest-ever invest­ment into one crit­i­cal swing state in hopes of empha­siz­ing abor­tion rights in Novem­ber.
A polit­i­cal arm of Planned Par­ent­hood will spend $10 mil­lion in North Car­oli­na this elec­tion cycle to boost Pres­i­dent Joe Biden’s reelec­tion cam­paign and guber­na­to­r­i­al can­di­date Josh Stein, accord­ing to the New York Times.
Planned Par­ent­hood South Atlantic is con­tribut­ing the mon­ey to dig­i­tal adver­tise­ments, new field offices, and a can­vass­ing oper­a­tion con­cen­trat­ed in crit­i­cal swing coun­ties in North Car­oli­na.
“As we head into Novem­ber, all eyes are on North Car­oli­na because abor­tion access across the entire region will be deter­mined by the results of this elec­tion,” said Emi­ly Thomp­son, the deputy direc­tor of Planned Par­ent­hood Votes South Atlantic and spokes­woman for Planned Par­ent­hood Votes, the group’s nation­al super PAC. 
“Our suc­cess is absolute­ly crit­i­cal this year to pro­tect abor­tion access and defend the bod­i­ly auton­o­my of every North Car­olin­ian, …