House Repub­li­can infight­ing by the num­bers

House Republican infighting by the numbers

A few num­bers illus­trate Speak­er Mike Johnson’s (R‑LA) pre­car­i­ous hold on the gav­el and the dilem­ma for House Repub­li­cans more broad­ly.
The Ukraine aid pack­age that is the lat­est pol­i­cy imper­il­ing John­son was opposed by 112 Repub­li­cans while only 101 vot­ed yes. (That is iden­ti­cal to the break­down among Repub­li­cans on the March $1.2 tril­lion spend­ing bill to avoid a par­tial gov­ern­ment shut­down.) Every Demo­c­rat who vot­ed on Ukraine fund­ing was in the affir­ma­tive; every no vote came from a Repub­li­can.
John­son, as his Repub­li­can crit­ics were quick to point out, was on the side of Pres­i­dent Joe Biden, the Demo­c­ra­t­ic-con­trolled Sen­ate, and every House Demo­c­rat rather than the major­i­ty of his con­fer­ence.
That was still good enough for the Ukraine secu­ri­ty sup­ple­men­tal to pass 311 to 112, by most mea­sures a strong bipar­ti­san vote. The major­i­ty of the House Repub­li­can Con­fer­ence was far from being able to com­mand a major­i­ty of the cham­ber.
The same was true of the 112 Repub­li­cans who vot­ed against the …