Reid Claims Colum­bia Hamas Protests Are ‘Singing About Peace’

MSNBC’s Joy Reid pulled out the head in the sand strat­e­gy for Monday’s edi­tion of The Rei­d­Out when dis­cussing anti-Semi­tism being preva­lent at Colum­bia Uni­ver­si­ty. Dur­ing an inter­view with Rev. Mark Thomp­son and Maryam Alwan of Columbia’s chap­ter of Stu­dents for Jus­tine in Pales­tine, Reid claimed she sim­ply “didn’t hear it.”
Address­ing Thomp­son, Reid claimed that things at Colum­bia are fine, “I saw, Mark, these stu­dents singing and singing about peace and singing salaam, singing words of peace. So, it just did­n’t squa …