How Tam­my Bald­win prof­its from the DC lob­by­ist ‘revolv­ing door’ she often slams 

How Tammy Baldwin profits from the DC lobbyist ‘revolving door’ she often slams 

To Sen. Tam­my Bald­win (D‑WI), who is run­ning for reelec­tion in the swing state of Wis­con­sin in 2024, the “revolv­ing door” between gov­ern­ment and K Street is “spin­ning out of con­trol as bil­lion­aires and spe­cial inter­ests rig the sys­tem.”
Bald­win, the Bad­ger State’s junior sen­a­tor since 2013, says the con­stant flow of tax­pay­er-backed staffers to pri­vate indus­try, and vice-ver­sa, pos­es con­flicts of inter­est and results in work­ing fam­i­lies get­ting left behind. The revolv­ing door, she pre­vi­ous­ly argued in an op-ed with Hillary Clin­ton in Huff­Post, prompts the pub­lic to “start wor­ry­ing that the fox­es are guard­ing the hen house.”
But the Wis­con­sin Democrat’s crit­i­cism of the revolv­ing door could place her in a tough spot this elec­tion cycle. Bald­win has accept­ed thou­sands of dol­lars in cam­paign dona­tions from lob­by­ists at influ­en­tial firms who earned their stripes as aides in her Capi­tol Hill office over the last two decades, accord­ing to a Wash­ing­ton Exam­in­er review of Fed­er­al Elec­tion Com­mis­sion fil­ings.
The dona­tions under­score how ambi­tious employ­ees in Baldwin’s office …