‘Democ­rats for Cruz’: Ted Cruz high­lights sup­port from Texas’s blue vot­ers while oth­ers laugh him off

‘Democrats for Cruz’: Ted Cruz highlights support from Texas’s blue voters while others laugh him off

Sen. Ted Cruz (R‑TX) launched a new ele­ment of his cam­paign, Democ­rats for Cruz, aim­ing to poach Democ­rats from his chal­lenger, Rep. Col­in Allred (D‑TX), and show his bipar­ti­san abil­i­ty.
Reps. Alexan­dra Oca­sio-Cortez (D‑NY) and Veron­i­ca Esco­bar (D‑TX) laughed at the idea that Cruz could be bipar­ti­san.
“Hon­est­ly, my response would be my laugh­ter,” Esco­bar said. “That chal­lenge didn’t wake him up to the fact that Texas vot­ers want lead­er­ship and gov­er­nance instead of per­for­mance,” she said, adding, “He should be scared, frankly.”
But Cruz dis­agrees.
“I am a prin­ci­pled con­ser­v­a­tive, and I am not afraid of a fight. But if you look at my record of author­ing and pass­ing bipar­ti­san leg­is­la­tion, it has been tremen­dous­ly impact­ful for Texas,” Cruz told NOTUS.
“One can walk and chew gum at the same time,” he added.

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Cruz is pur­su­ing a bipar­ti­san angle in his state pos­si­bly because of the view that Texas is becom­ing more com­pet­i­tive for Democ­rats. Cruz hand­i­ly won his Sen­at …