‘DEI Is Garbage’: Pulitzer Prize Win­ner Deliv­ers Scathing Take­down Of Woke Hol­ly­wood

‘DEI Is Garbage’: Pulitzer Prize Winner Delivers Scathing Takedown Of Woke Hollywood

Pulitzer Prize-win­ning play­wright David Mamet cer­tain­ly has a way with words — and he did not mince any when he deliv­ered a blis­ter­ing take­down of the Diver­si­ty, Equi­ty, and Inclu­sion (DEI) stan­dards that now lim­it him and oth­ers who share his pro­fes­sion.
Mamet made the com­ments dur­ing an inter­view with Los Ange­les Times deputy enter­tain­ment edi­tor Matt Bren­nan and the outlet’s Fes­ti­val of Books — host­ed by Uni­ver­si­ty of South­ern Cal­i­for­nia — where he was pro­mot­ing his mem­oir, “Every­where an Oink, Oink.”
“DEI is garbage. It’s fas­cist total­i­tar­i­an­ism,” Mamet told Bren­nan. His mem­oir, which was pub­lished last fall, tells his life sto­ry in a series of anec­dotes — and fol­lows his politic …