Biden bless­es abor­tion with sign of the cross 

Posted in Trump
Biden blesses abortion with sign of the cross 

Pres­i­dent Joe Biden has enraged Catholic Church reg­u­lars with his lat­est show of approval for abor­tion, a Vat­i­can red line.
On Tues­day in Flori­da, where he blast­ed the state’s impend­ing six-week abor­tion ban, Biden blessed him­self with the sign of the cross when the woman intro­duc­ing him ref­er­enced Florida’s short­er win­dow for abor­tion.
The group Catholic Vote blast­ed Biden’s actions on X.

This. Is. VILE!President Biden makes the Sign of the Cross at an abor­tion ral­ly in Florida!You can­not be Catholic and sup­port abortion!You can­not invoke GOD and pro­mote Death!
— CatholicVote (@CatholicVote) April 23, 2024

“This. Is. VILE! Pres­i­dent Biden makes the Sign of the Cross at an abor­tion ral­ly in Flori­da! You can­not be Catholic and sup­port abor­tion! You can­not invoke GOD and pro­mote Death!” the group said.
Catholic Vote Pres …