Biden shakes off protest fears at More­house for Geor­gia bat­tle­ground gains

Biden shakes off protest fears at Morehouse for Georgia battleground gains

Pres­i­dent Joe Biden‘s two com­mence­ment speech­es next month will take on added impor­tance with both the elec­tion and col­lege cam­pus protests grab­bing head­lines.
Biden will speak at More­house Col­lege, a promi­nent his­tor­i­cal­ly black school in Atlanta, on May 19 and at the U.S. Mil­i­tary Acad­e­my on May 25. The for­mer has drawn a larg­er share of atten­tion due to Georgia’s sta­tus as a cru­cial swing state and con­cerns that anti-Israel protests could greet the pres­i­dent.
“This week, I received an inquiry from con­cerned fac­ul­ty about rumors they were hear­ing about Pres­i­dent Biden’s selec­tion as the 2024 Com­mence­ment speak­er,” More­house provost Kendrick Brown wrote in an email to fac­ul­ty mem­bers last week, accord­ing to NBC News. Brow …