Biden Touts Abor­tion Access, Mocks Trump Bible: Dobbs Deci­sion ‘Was No Mir­a­cle’

Biden Touts Abortion Access, Mocks Trump Bible: Dobbs Decision ‘Was No Miracle’

Pres­i­dent Joe Biden mocked for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump’s “God Bless the USA” Bible while tout­ing his administration’s sup­port for abor­tion access on Tues­day.
Biden was cam­paign­ing in Tam­pa, Flori­da, where he railed against the state’s recent­ly enact­ed six-week abor­tion ban — which he said was only enact­ed because Trump had appoint­ed three of the Supreme Court jus­tices who ulti­mate­ly vot­ed to over­turn the 1973 land­mark abor­tion case Roe v. Wade.

Biden: Trump described the Dobbs deci­sion as a mir­a­cle. Maybe it’s com­ing from that bible he’s try­ing to sell. Woah, I almost want­ed to buy one to see what the hell is in it …