Byron York argues parts of Trump’s gag order do not make ‘a lot of sense’

Byron York argues parts of Trump’s gag order do not make ‘a lot of sense’

The Wash­ing­ton Examiner’s Byron York argued Wednes­day that there are sev­er­al prob­lems with for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump’s gag order, specif­i­cal­ly how Trump can­not be crit­i­cal of his for­mer lawyer.
The gag order in ques­tion has been brought back to dis­cus­sion in part because Man­hat­tan pros­e­cu­tors argued Trump vio­lat­ed the order in the hush mon­ey case more than 10 times when he post­ed var­i­ous news arti­cles on Truth Social. York, the chief polit­i­cal cor­re­spon­dent for the Wash­ing­ton Exam­in­er, explained that these arti­cles had been about Michael Cohen, Trump’s for­mer attor­ney, and that Trump is being report­ed for gag order vio­la­tions while Cohen has been very vocal about Trump.
“He’s on tele­vi­sion a lot, he has pod­casts, he’s writ­ten books, he wrote a book called Revenge about Trump, …