How Democ­rats In Ari­zona Are Dam­ag­ing The Fifth Amend­ment

How Democrats In Arizona Are Damaging The Fifth Amendment

When a polit­i­cal fever runs hot among gov­ern­ment offi­cials, the Bill of Rights is often one of the first casu­al­ties. Few fevers have been as hot as the Democ­rats’ reac­tion to Jan­u­ary 6.
It is no sur­prise, then, that the inves­ti­ga­tion by Demo­c­rat Ari­zona Attor­ney Gen­er­al Kris Mayes, like that of the Con­gres­sion­al Select Com­mit­tee in 2022, oblit­er­at­ed a sacred norm. In this case, the chalk out­line is around the Fifth Amend­ment.
I offer this obser­va­tion as one who recent­ly was com­pelled to appear in front …