OF COURSE: CBS’s O’Donnell Asks ‘Pro­gres­sive’ Pope Fran­cis Oblig­a­tory Cli­mate Ques­tion

CBS Evening News anchor Norah O’Donnell deliv­ered this evening’s news­cast from Rome, and her inter­view with Pope Fran­cis fea­tured heav­i­ly with­in the news­cast. But if the ear­ly tease is any indi­ca­tion, O’Donnell devot­ed the inter­view to the reheat­ing of the media’s same old talk­ing points regard­ing the Catholic Church.
Case in point: the media love Fran­cis on cli­mate change, and often hail him as a “pro­gres­sive”.  Watch as O’Donnell does both of these things:

NORAH O’DONNELL: Fran­cis is also the first pon­tiff to make cli­mate change a …