AOC and fel­low House Demo­c­rat dis­agree over sup­port of Israel after ‘shame­ful’ com­ment on Bernie Sanders

AOC and fellow House Democrat disagree over support of Israel after ‘shameful’ comment on Bernie Sanders

Reps. Alexan­dria Oca­sio-Cortez (D‑NY) and Jared Moskowitz (D‑FL) clashed over the latter’s “shame­ful” com­ment on Sen. Bernie Sanders (I‑VT).
Moskowitz has emerged as a promi­nent defend­er of Israel and has crit­i­cized many on the Left over their response to the war in Gaza. On Wednes­day, he crit­i­cized Sanders for alleged­ly not prop­er­ly con­demn­ing anti­semitism, a remark that drew the ire of Oca­sio-Cortez.

Reps. Alexan­dria Oca­sio-Cortez and Jared Moskowitz.

“Sen. Sanders’ fam­i­ly was killed in the Holo­caust,” she wrote in response to Moskowitz. “He ded­i­cates his every moment to real­iz­ing tikkun olam. His com­mit­ment to pro­tect­ing inno­cents in Gaza stems FROM his Jew­ish val­ues. He and many oth­er Jew­ish lead­ers deserve bet­ter than to be treat­ed this way. This is shame­ful.”
“Tikkun ol …