Ex-Nation­al Enquir­er Exec Admits Tabloid Fab­ri­cat­ed Sto­ry, Pho­to On Ted Cruz’s Dad Dur­ing 2016 Elec­tion

Ex-National Enquirer Exec Admits Tabloid Fabricated Story, Photo On Ted Cruz’s Dad During 2016 Election

The for­mer pub­lish­er of the Nation­al Enquir­er admit­ted in court this week that the out­let under his lead­er­ship “cre­at­ed” a false sto­ry about Sen. Ted Cruz’s (R‑TX) father dur­ing the 2016 pres­i­den­tial elec­tion.
David Peck­er made the remarks on Tues­day while tes­ti­fy­ing at for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump’s tri­al in Man­hat­tan crim­i­nal court when asked by pros­e­cu­tors about the ori­gin of the sto­ry.
The tabloid ran a sto­ry in April 2016 where it fab­ri­cat­ed a pho­to­graph of Cruz’s father, Rafael Cruz, with Lee Har­vey Oswald, who assas­si­nat­ed Pres­i­dent John F. Kennedy, that the pub­li­ca­tion claimed was tak­en three months pri­or to the Novem­ber 1963 shoot­ing.