Trump Holds Strong In Swing State Polling As Vot­ers Skep­ti­cal Of Biden Econ­o­my

Trump Holds Strong In Swing State Polling As Voters Skeptical Of Biden Economy

For­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump is lead­ing Pres­i­dent Joe Biden in six out of sev­en key swing states as Amer­i­cans believe the econ­o­my is going in the wrong direc­tion, accord­ing to a new Bloomberg News/Morning Con­sult poll.
The poll of near­ly 5,000 reg­is­tered vot­ers found that Trump leads Biden in key states like Ari­zona (49–42), Geor­gia (49–43), Neva­da (51–43), North Car­oli­na (51–41), Penn­syl­va­nia (47–46), and Wis­con­sin (48–44), while Biden tops Trump in Michi­gan (47–45). The major­i­ty of those polled had a neg­a­tive view of the economy’s direc­tion, with many believ­ing it would only get worse.
Accord­ing to the poll, 70% of those sur­veyed believed the econ­o­my was going in the wrong direc­tion, while 30% said it was going the right way. When asked how impor­tant the econ­o­my would be in deter­min­ing who th …